
Comics update

Pencils & Inks by Khoi Pham. Poor coloruing by me.

Hey all, so I just wanted to mention why there hasn’t been much / any comic book reviews of late. I was working on a few & hope to have them up soon but generally it’s because I’m not reading comicbooks as much as I used to. I plan to fix that but life keeps getting in the way, especially financially so yeah, I just wanted to put that up there. I did grab a few digital comics (like Black Canary & The Violent) and hope to have reviews for them soon. Plus other old BtS favorites like Cover Love where I look back on old comicbook covers that WORKED and compare to current comicbook covers that DON’T. So until then enjoy the Khoi Pham West Coast Avengers artwork which I did very very poor colouring on.