Marvel Comics – Do We NEED a Super SEXY teen Jean Grey?
Seriously?! Do we? Okay, look – I’ve been offline lately and been busy with my other web work life. Sorry about that but this is a very important point to make and it’s something that Marvel & DC Comics do often and likely without much furious feedback so it slips through the radar of what SHOULD and SHOULDN’T be apart of the comic books we love.
…does Marvel need to sexualize a teenage Jean Grey as The Goblin Queen?
Okay. For the sake of the X-Men story that came out last weeks in the latest issue of X-Men Blue #13 that the villain Mojo has thrown all the X-Men teams into the Mojoverse for this messed up, to the death TV reality show he does and he’s dressed the X-Men into various looks from various eras and mixed up the teams. This weeks issue of X-Men Blue #13 has various teams fighting various related villains but does Marvel need to sexualize a teenage Jean Grey as The Goblin Queen? Where are the single set of values for that editor to stop and say, “You know what? Let’s NOT show a teenage Jean Grey like that. Let’s cover her up a bit more, please.” and WHAT would that have hurt in the comic book if they did that?? WHY does she need to be showing so much of her pelvis above her crotch in those panels?
In the wake of all the Harvey Weinstein scandal that is happening right now, Marvel thinks it’s OKAY to have THIS in it’s X-Men comic book…

That is a TEENAGE Jean Grey dressed as the Evil Madelyne “Maddie” Jennifer Pryor-Summers aka the Goblin Queen but SERIOUSLY just LOOK at that costume!
Here’s the original Madelyne Pryor / Goblin Queen look…

Here’s the cover for X-Men Blue issue #13 that came out last week. Do we see any of the revealing Goblin Queen costume here on Jean Grey? Do we need to? Sweet Christmas NO, we don’t!

Besides the whole Weinstein scandal that’s happening, woman are speaking up about sexual harassment, sexual abuse & violence with the viral campaign with #MeToo. Woman are speaking out about times they have been harassment or abused, when they were groped by men because the men thought it was acceptable. Look, I’m no prude but at the same time I don’t think a teenage Jean Grey needs to have a few panels almost showing her crotch to the world. If you listen to ALL of the #MeToo viral campaign, it’s bloody obvious that us MEN get the WRONG ideas of women ALL the time. There’s NO NEED for that to be echoed in the pages of our comic books. We don’t need to “get” the wrong idea about teenage Jean Grey, we just don’t.
I expect Marvel and their editors to stand up and take a stand against such imagery. You wanna sexualize Rogue or Storm or any other WOMAN in the Marvel Comic universe to help sell your books, okay, I get that but PLEASE take a fucking stand on those that you claim as Teenagers.
Same came up a while ago when Riri Williams was said to have been drawn more sexual than she needed to be a while ago. If it wasn’t acceptable then then why’s it acceptable now?! Also just recently at New York Comic-Con, retailers got into a heated discussion with Marvel Comics about diversity and even though this is kinda on the edge of that, the diversity of Women heroes in Comics is a valid point. A point that Marvel has taken high ground with in their response to many of the attacks of the Women in comics or lack thereof / changes to characters. Marvel stood tall & proud of Ms. Marvel when they brought the character to life, I call on that same Marvel to take the high ground here. No more showing off teenage Jean Grey as a big sex symbol in their X-Men books. Why not have this teenage Jean Grey NOT become a fashion model look for the X-Men?
I understand that the Goblin Queen was half dressed in her costume design back in the day. Half dressed for an adult woman, I have no issue with even if it’s not entirely what I’m looking for in a comic book unless it has some merit. Half dressed for a young female hero of a comic book, I have issue with. I know that there’s TONS of Goblin Queen cosplay and artwork out there showing even less costume, that’s NOT the point.
I expect better from Marvel and their editors. That is the point.
Look, if you’re a fucking dumb ass Geek / Nerd who DOESN’T find anything wrong with a teenage Jean Grey showing off more than she should then and likely “gets off” on this kinda stuff then please FUCK OFF and NEVER RETURN TO THIS WEBSITE. You sicken me.
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