Comics Featured News 3

DC Rebirth?! Yeahbuwha?!

Okay so it seems like DC Comics is about to completely Re-Boot their entire comic book line… again. It was September 2011 when DC Comics rocked the comic book universe with 52 – a complete Re-Boot of all their comics and their universe. A completely NEW versions of all the heroes and characters you knew with the exception of Batman and Green Lantern who had their history / continuity revised to suit whatever the current writers wanted (pretty much). That was just… 5 years ago and I guess they feel it’s time to try and grab back market share from Marvel Comics so now it’s another Re-Boot coming. Or… Is it?

The previous 52 came with massive Interwebz of opinions & criticism from “I LOVE IT!” to “WTF?!” and I don’t know if it’s ever stopped. The 52 comic books that were released only 5 years ago are down to a handful now. Sure, DC Comics had some massive hits with allowing creators coming out with new ideas like the new Batgirl, Harley Quinn, Prez and Omega Men but there were also some books that had massive problems like Static & Hawkman. Hell, even the whole Wildstorm Universe of comic characters mixed into the DC Universe didn’t go over that well. Voodoo anyone?

Some sites like Bleeding Cool are following this pretty closely to what news / rumours that can come loose and feed the Comic Geekdom masses. More of that info here: Follow the rest of the Bleeding Cool Rebirth articles today, right here

So what do you think about the new DC Rebirth news?!

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